Year 5 and 6 Netball Inter-House Matches

The Year 5 and 6 matches were quick action games that were fiercely fought and demonstrated determination and spirit for the game.  The girls meant business from the start and it was lovely to see a high standard of Netball displayed throughout the 6 matches.

The results of the afternoon were as follows:

1st = Milton
2nd = Casewick
3rd = Burghley
4th = Lindsey

Players of the house matches were awarded to Hope Tomey in Burghley for her all round good play.  Daisy Selkirk in Casewick for some outstanding shooting.  Maisie Brownlow for great movement and jumping to gain possession of the ball and Ayana Shah for super interceptions in Lindsey.  And Emily Scrafton in Milton for her quick passing and movement into space and Leah Chauhan for involvement and improvement in her game.  Well done girls.

Mrs Harriss

