Year 5&6 Rugby House Matches - November 2019

The Year 5 & 6 boys took part in their annual rugby house matches on Wednesday 27th November. It was a chilly, damp afternoon but despite the inclement weather, it did not dampen the boys spirits, commitment, positive attitude and above all, sportsmanship.

All the matches, bar one, were very closely contested with the game ending in a draw or a single try being the winning margin. 

The final table looked like this:

1st - Milton = 13 point
2nd - Lindsey = 11 points
3rd - Burghley = 7 points
4th - Casewick = 5 points

Thank you to Mr Willson and Mr Thomas, who attended his final house matches at Copthill, for officiating the matches as they are not easy to referee! Thank you to those parents who came to support not only their own child, but all the boys during a fantastic afternoon.

Finally, well done to ALL the boys who participated during the afternoon.

Mr Smith
