ISA Football 5 a-side at Alleyn Court on Friday 31st January 2020

Copthill took 2 teams to represent themselves in the annual ISA 5 a-side regional football competition last week.

It was a long way to travel with the tournament being in Southend-on-Sea so some boys stayed the night before with some deciding to travel on the day.

There was some good football played during the morning from all the teams, including Copthill. The A team lost their first match which was a setback, but did not dampen their spirits, drawing the next one and the  winning the next. However this wasn't enough to qualify for the nationals, which was our goal for the A team.

The B team fought very hard with Oran and Aryan playing very well in goal and defence respectively.

Overall positions were 7th (A team) and 19th (B team) out of 20.

Well done to all the boys who took part in the competition.

Mr Smith & Mr Woodward
