U10 A Rugby v Leicester G on Wed 28th September 2016

Copthill U10 ‘A’ against LGJS,  Wednesday 28th September 2016
In the first game of the season, the Year 5 boys performed really well.  There was a pleasing level of tackling and at breakdowns, Ted Pennell and Henry Sullivan-Porteus were ferocious, winning possession from the opposition on several occasions.  Felix Bowling made several telling breaks and some key defensive tackles as well.  The final score of 2-4 to LGJS could have been even closer, though we will need to work on ensuring passes from contact are both backwards and accurate in order to keep the ball alive.  We can certainly be confident of holding our own with any other team we play against this season and the sportsmanship and attitude of all players was extremely pleasing.

Mr Willson
