Year 3&4 House Football Matches - Thursday 4th March 2016

All the boys from year 3 and 4 took park in the annual house football matches on Thursday 4th March, in what was a tournament where goals were very few and far between!

The first round of matches saw all teams record goalless draws which meant it was as we were at the beginning. The second round of matches again saw a 0-0 draw between Milton & Casewick but in the other match between Lindsey & Burghley saw Lindsey take the ascendency in the tournament with a closely fought 1-0 win. The final round of matches were both 1-0 win for Milton against Burghley and Lindsey verses Casewick.

Half way through the tournament we had a heavy rain shower which was coupled with a chilly wind and meant the players had to play their final match in cold, wet and windy conditions, with the majority coping with the inclement conditions well.

This was how the final table looked:

1st - Lindsey 7pts
2nd - Milton 5pts
3rd - Casewick 2 pts
4th - Burghley 1 pt

Congratulations to all the boys who took part this year, which was certainly a year for the defenders!

Mr Smith
